How do I cancel my subscription?

To cancel your subscription, please follow one of the following three options below during regular business hours between 10 am & 7 pm EST:

1. You may cancel via live chat on

2. You may cancel via live text by texting (210) SP4-GOLF (774-4653).  Please provide your full name and the email that is on the account.

*Your account is not canceled until you receive confirmation.

**DO NOT SEND AN EMAIL AS THIS IS NOT AN ACCEPTED POLICY to cancel your membership - The result will NOT deactivate your account.

***To avoid being charged again and receiving another package from Short Par 4, Fairway & Executive members must cancel by 11:59 pm EST two days prior to the 1st of the month (if there are 31 days in the month, you must cancel at 11:59 pm EST of the 29th).  Tour Experience members must cancel by 11:59 pm EST on the 2nd of the month.  Hopefully, we will see you back at Short Par 4 in the near future. 


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